sitting by the camfire | by destiny kelly 

I find myself looking for the warmth of a campfire for reassurance that I’m supposed to be here. Yet find myself plagued by the ashes this world leaves on me. The smoke so thick it changes my perspective on the possibility for a future I can create. Trying to escape something inescapable because my mind has felt the burns of this reality. Burns that leave deep scars like hurtful remarks, doubt, and failure. My psyche can’t fix it so instead I find my warmth through a fireplace that never turns on. Where’s a campfire when you need one? My body curled into a fetal position, hoping something so natural to me will bring me happiness. Seating places around the campfire that are never filled. Only my mind keeps me company. This world has taken occupancy over my thoughts. I must find warmth outside of myself or I’ll be alone forever. I must find comfort from everything external even though it burns me every time. Who am I? 

Silence your thoughts. Return to yourself. Return to the warmth you admit. To the light you create. This fireplace is only a reminder of the game you’re playing, but you are the winner. You burn brighter than all fires. Let the rain fall but not seep in you. I know who I am.

In this world we’re conditioned to lose our internal lights which causes us to rely on a society that has no intention for you to know who you are. You begin to doubt your existence. You begin to question your light. Remember who you are. Remember you aren’t this world but a creation in it that is needed. Without you, this world isn’t the same. Your fire burns inside you and not the fireplace we’re told to use. There's nothing wrong with ashes if you know who you are. I know who I am. 
