art making is my peace i wish to share with the world. my inspiration comes from my walk of life, my survival through journey, and my overcoming of my odds. i consider myself blessed to share what i’ve been given from my opportunity at life. may my works help you come to peace & revelations about your own walk. i dedicate this to my late mother, Yem, who allowed me to express myself in every which way. i dedicate this to my late maw maw, Melody, who helped me make my visions a reality. i dedicate this to my late paw paw, Frederick, who to this day still has my first art installation on his closet door. i dedicate this to my late sister, Dream, who made me realize how in this life i was able to meet an angel. i dedicate this to myself, for making these works something we can honor. this is destiny kelly’s art.
i love bringing life to found objects, whether it be the scrap often tossed, or the branch broken off the tree. everything has a change for a new life, a rebirth. i specialize in all mediums, because i like expressing myself in whatever way that executes my story the best. sculpture, photography, prints, installation, videography, and more.
my origin: harvey, il
my school: stanford university
my work focuses on my identity as a black american woman through my unique walk of life. my spirituality. and black american culture. my uncut emotions as i experience this world. and the honoring of those before me.
as you engage with my work, be prepared to see the realness i show. thank you for being here.